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Catholic Cases | Occult

Moral Case: Last Halloween I went to a séance. Is there anything wrong with that? Catholic Moral Teaching: CCC 2117 – All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one...

Catholic Cases | Pornography

Moral Case: Is there anything wrong with viewing pornography? Catholic Moral Teaching: CCC 2354 – Pornography consists in removing real or simulated sexual acts from the intimacy of the partners,...

Catholic Cases | Birth Control

...responsible fatherhood and motherhood. Legitimate intentions on the part of the spouses do not justify recourse to morally unacceptable means (for example, direct sterilization or contraception). CCC 2370 – Periodic...

Catholic Cases | Mass

...Christian liturgy. CCC 2182 – Participation in the communal celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is a testimony of belonging and of being faithful to Christ and to his Church. The...

Catholic Cases | Communion

Moral Case: Other than being Catholic, are there any other preconditions for receiving Communion? Catholic Moral Teaching: CCC 1415 – Anyone who desires to receive Christ in Eucharistic communion must...

Catholic Cases | Sloth the prompting of charity. – acedia or spiritual sloth goes so far as to refuse the joy that comes from God and to be repelled by divine goodness.  ...

Catholic Cases | Coveting your neighbor’s. Every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.   2514 St. John distinguishes three kinds of covetousness or...

Catholic Cases | Gossip

Moral Case: I can’t stand one of my co-workers. Gossiping about him or her is normal and healthy, isn’t it? Catholic Moral Teaching: CCC 2479 – Detraction and calumny destroy...